P. 143
Unit 10: Strong Slot and Filler Structures
10.5 Review Questions Notes
1. Illustrate the concept of conceptual dependency with example.
2. Explain the various objectives of conceptual dependency.
3. What are scripts? Illustrate the uses of scripts.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of conceptual dependency.
5. Construct CD representation of the following:
(a) Johny request Mary for a pencil.
(b) Jimmy stirred his coffee with a spoon.
(c) David took the book off Jimmy.
(d) On my way home, I stopped to fill my car with petrol.
(e) I heard strange music in the woods.
(f) Johny killed Mary by choking her.
6. Try capturing the differences between the following in CD:
(a) Johny slapped David, Johny punched David.
(b) Sue likes Prince, Sue adores Prince.
7. Rewrite the script specified in the unit so that the Bank robbery goes wrong.
8. Write a script to permit for both outcome of the Bank robbery: Getaway and going wrong
and getting caught.
9. Write a script for enrolling as a student.
10. Find out how MARGIE, SAM and PAM are executed.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Conceptual Dependency 2. Primitives
3. One 4. Diagrams
7. Natural Language Understanding 8. Script
9. Situations 10. Slots or Frames
11. Props 12. Activating
13. Outcomes 14. Events
15. Same
10.6 Further Readings
Books Antonelli, D. 1983. The application of artificial intelligence to a maintenance and diagnostic
information system (MDIS). Proceedings of the Joint Services Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence in Maintenance. Boulder, CO.