P. 183
Unit 12: Tools and Techniques for Monitoring Performance
SNMP MIB: The database controlled by a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent Notes
is known as SNMP Management Information Base (MIB).
SQL Server Enterprise Manager: SQL Server Enterprise Manager is a monitoring tool to view the
information about current Microsoft® SQL Server™ activity.
SQL Server™ logs: Microsoft® SQL Server™ logs events to the SQL Server error log and the
Microsoft Windows® application log.
System Monitor: System Monitor makes it possible to obtain up-to-the-second SQL Server
activity and performance statistics.
Template: A template defines the criteria for each event you want to monitor with SQL Profiler.
Trace: A trace captures data based upon the selected events, data columns, and filters.
12.16 Review Questions
1. What are the Benefits of monitoring SQL Server for Performance?
2. Explain Monitoring with the help of SQL Profiler.
3. What are the Uses of SQL PROFILER?
4. What do you mean by the term: Event Class? Give Examples of event classes.
5. Discuss common SQL Profiler Scenarios.
6. Describe the procedure of Monitoring with SQL Profiler Event Categories.
7. How will you Monitoring SQL server with System Monitor? Discuss.
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Monitoring the Error Logs
(b) SNMP
(c) Monitoring with Transact-SQL Statements
9. Discuss the concept of monitoring in a dynamic environment with examples.
10. What are the various SQL profilers event categories and their associated event classes?
11. Make distinction between table lock and database lock.
12. Illustrate the concept of copying the MSSQL-MIB to an SNMP Workstation.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. graphical user 2. event
3. column 4. category
5. filter 6. trace
7. template 8. true
9. false 10. true
11. false