P. 118

Windows Programming

                    Notes          MessageBox.Show(“F1  Key”,  “Keyboard  Command”);

                                   else  if  (e.KeyCode  ==  Keys.Enter)

                                   MessageBox.Show(“Enter  Key”,  “Keyboard  Command”);


                                   The above code exhibits a message box with a message when the Escape, F1 or Enter key is
                                   pressed. Run the application and observe that regardless of what control has focus on the form,
                                   the KeyDown event on the form manages the keyboard command.

                                                                     Figure  7.2

                                   The KeyEventArgs utilized in the KeyDown event can also be used identify when modifiers are
                                   used (a grouping of keys, such as ‘Ctrl+Alt’) and even control if the keyboard command is
                                   passed down to the primary control.

                                   The problem by means of this approach  on each individual form is efficiency for the .NET
                                   Developer. By means of  this approach in larger  applications with many forms  is not  only
                                   incompetent but prone to bring in constancy issues. An application with number of forms will
                                   need the .NET Developer to individually setup and configure the keyboard events at a quantifiable
                                   impact to time and cost. This is where implementing an approach to expand .NET Controls and
                                   customizing events occurs in. By merging customized .NET Controls and inheritance the needed
                                   work on the Developer can be decreased while increasing the constancy in the way the keyboard
                                   interface is implemented.
                                   There is  another approach to  capturing  all  keystrokes  at the main  form level.  It includes
                                   implementing an IMessageFilter interface on the form  level. While  this is more effectual in
                                   some cases to capture all keystrokes it does have the potential of degrading performance as
                                   message filters are being added to the message pump for the application.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blank:
                                   8.  The ‘.........................’ property on the form causes keyboard events fired on controls on the
                                       form to be recorded with the form first.

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