P. 201
Unit 12: Dialog Boxes (II)
highlighted in the list box, so just press “Add Variable” and type in the variable name Notes
m_bIsChecked and press “OK”.
Notes Class Wizard gave you a default variable type of boolean. To create a variable
forIDC_EDITBOX, press “Add Variable” again and type the variable name m_strText.
Class Wizard gave this variable a default class of CString.
In our main application, we need to modify our menu and/or toolbar to add a command to
activate our dialog box. Assuming we’ve added a command to “Demo the Dialog” (again,
another topic, another time), we’ll add a message handler (in Class Wizard) to handle the user
command to display the dialog box. Assuming the message handler is named
“OnViewDemodialog”, we would edit the handler to look like this:
void CMainFrame::OnViewDemodialog()
// Let’s set a CMainFrame boolean variable to use for our UI command
// handling.
m_bDemoDlgActive = TRUE;
// Here, we create our dialog box class and initialize the
// member variables.
CString strResult;
CDemoDialog MyDialog;
MyDialog.m_strText = “Edit Me!”; // fill in edit box
MyDialog.m_bIsChecked = FALSE; // set up check box
if ( MyDialog.DoModal() == IDOK ) {
// If the user pressed “OK”, we’ll stuff the results onto the
// control bar.
strResult.Format(“(Returned: ‘%s’,’%s’)”,MyDialog.m_strText,
(MyDialog.m_bIsChecked ? “checked” : “unchecked”));
} // if
else {
// User pressed “Cancel”, so write to control bar.
strResult = “(Canceled)”;
} // else
// Update status bar
m_wndStatusBar.SetWindowText(strResult); // always use for pane