P. 4

                                               Windows Programming

          Objectives: To Impart the skills needed to develop windows applications using Visual C. Student will learn how to design
          windows and various components of windows, keyboard events, graphics and text, file handling. Student will also learn
          memory management techniques.

             Sr. No.                                         Description
                1.    Windows  Programming  Basics:  The  Advantages  of  Windows,  How  Windows  Programs  Work,  Running
                      Several  Programs  Simultaneously,  Messages,  An  Analogy,  Structure  of  a  Windows  Program,  Code  and
                      Resources, Program Instances, Compiling Windows Program, Windows Memory Management.
                2.    Windows  Programming:  The  Windows.H,  The  WinMain()  Function  and  Its  Parameters,  Creating  the
                      Programs  Window,  Messages  and  Adding  a  Message  Loop,  Creating  a  New  Window  Class,  Message
                      Processing Function WndProc(), Adding Custom Resource Data, Compiling the Resource Data.
                3.    Windows  Controls:  Window,  Types  of  Controls,  The  CreateWindow()  function,  Static  Controls,  Sending
                      Message  to  a  Control,  C  language  Casts,  Button  Controls,  Processing  Button  Control  Messages,  Button
                      Notification Codes, List Boxes, Combo Boxes, Scroll Bars, Edit Controls.
                4.    Memory  Management:  Local  vs  Global  Memory,  Local  Memory  Blocks,  Using  Fixed  Memory  Blocks,
                      Changing the size of a Memory Block, Using LocalReAlloc(), Discardable Memory Blocks, Global Memory
                      Allocation, What windows is actually doing with Memory, System Memory and System Resources.
                5.    Character  Sets,  Fonts,  and  the  Keyboard:  The  ANSI  Character  Set,  Trying  the  Character  Functions,
                      Keyboard  Message  Processing,  The  WM_CHAR  Message,  System  Key  Messages  and  Dead  Characters,
                      Implementing a Simple Keyboard Interface, Selecting a Stock Font, Using Logical Fonts, Text Metric, Putting
                      Fonts to Work, Keyboard Accelerators.
                6.    File I/O: How Windows Programs Access Disk Files (Opening, Reading, Writing and Closing), Creating a
                      File Selection Dialogue Box, Creating a Text Editor.
                7.    Child and Pop Up Windows: Creating a Child Window, Sending Messages to Child Window, Fixed Child
                      Windows, PopUp Windows.
                8.    Menus: Creating Menus, Menus Defined as Resource Data, Creating a Menu Using the Borland Resource
                      Workshop, Complex Menu, Creating a Menu as the Program Operates, Creating Menu Containing Bitmaps,
                      The System Menu.
                9.    Dialog  Boxes:  What  is  a  dialogue  box,  How  a  Dialogue  Box  Work,  Designing  a  Dialogue  Box,  Using  a
                      Dialogue Box, Exchanging Data with a Dialogue Box-Global Variable Method, Problems with using Global
                      Variables,  Exchanging  Data  with  a  Dialogue  Box-Pointer  Method,  Modal,  Modeless  and  System  Modal
                      Dialogue Boxes, Creating Modeless Dialogue Box.
               10.    Text  &  Graphics  Output:  Character  Mode  vs  Graphics  Mode,  The  Device  Context,  Windows  GDI,  Text
                      output, The WM_PAINT Message, Changing the Device Context, Device Context Settings, Graphics Output,
                      Animated Graphics, The Peek Message() Loop.
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