P. 51
Unit 4: Windows Controls
4.2 The Create Windows() Function Notes
Window controls are considered as predefined window classes i.e. you are not required to call
the Register Class() function to generate a window class before the control.
Windows are usually generated using the “CreateWindow” function, even though there are a
few other functions that are functional as well. Once a WNDCLASS has been registered, you can
inform the system to make a window from that class by passing the class name (keep in mind
that global string we defined?) to the CreateWindow function.
HWND CreateWindow(
LPCTSTR lpClassName,
LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
DWORD dwStyle,
int x,
int y,
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
HWND hWndParent,
HMENU hMenu,
HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPVOID lpParam
The first parameter, “lpClassName” is the string connected with our window class. The
“lpWindowName” parameter is the title that will be exhibited in the title bar of our window (if
the window has a title bar).
“dwStyle” is a field that includes a number of bit-wise OR’d flags, that will control window
Self Assessment
Fill in the blank:
2. Window controls are considered as predefined window classes i.e. you are not required to
call the ................................. function to generate a window class before the control.
4.3 Static Controls
We will illustrate here regarding the text static control. A text static control is like an edit
control, but it does not obtain typed input from the user. A static control cannot be chosen and
cannot obtain the keyboard focus. A static control is usually used as a label for other controls.
Example: If you have an edit control, you would usually use a static control on the left or
above the edit control. This static control is a label and would have text that signifies the reason
of the edit control.
The static control is of the system window class, STATIC.