P. 30
Simulation and Modelling
Notes 4. Natural ways of reflecting the real-world entities manipulated by the system
5. More abstract entities are more difficult to model using this approach
6. Object class identification is recognised as a difficult process requiring a deep understanding
of the application domain
7. Object classes reflecting domain entities are reusable across systems
Inheritance Models
1. Organise the domain object classes into a hierarchy
2. Classes at the top of the hierarchy reflect the common features of all classes
3. Object classes inherit their attributes and services from one or more super-classes. these
may then be specialized as necessary
4. Class hierarchy design is a difficult process if duplication in different branches is to be
Task Analyze the difference between various types of models.
1.5 Simulation of an Inventory Problem
An important group of simulation problems include inventory systems.
When simulating an inventory control systems project, it is essential to take stock of all the key
elements of real-world inventory control without overseeing the serious real-world factors. A
well-designed inventory control simulation should involve data depending on the suggestions
of front-line employees who know where losses appear that might otherwise go un-observed.
Inventory Control Simulation Key Factors
An inventory control system should take into report key factors like demand fluctuation
depending on market trends, spoilage in unstable goods like food or chemicals, shrinkage
because of spills, product destroyed in shipping, and shrinkage caused by staff. Demand
fluctuation based on market trends can only be calculated in a general sense by examining past
precedences with similar products and how they connect to new items. In contrast, the spoilage
of unstable goods is generally a very predictable procedure and can be diminished by effectively
calculating how much product will be sold before the shelf-life of the item expires, thereby
evading over-purchasing. Within inventory control, calculating the market demand for unstable
goods and verifying that the company does not buy too much or too little of a product is within
the most difficult of tasks, and must be supported by large volume data samples before an
informed decision can be made. Shrinkage because of spills can be diminshed through the
employee training programs, though the precise amount of shrinkage will change dramatically
between locations and need some real-world data gathering. Shrinkage because of internal and
external staff can be virtually eliminated by improving systemic security protocols, involving
adequate security monitoring and loss-prevention method.
Determining an Inventory Control Strategy
Selecting an inventory control strategy for the simulation experiment needs an intimate
knowledge of the particular nature of the business being examined. A small-scale greengrocer,