P. 4


                                               Simulation and Modelling

            Objectives: This course provides an introduction to system modelling using  both computer simulation and mathematical
            techniques. The objective of this course is:

                To teach students methods for modelling systems.
                To emphasize of the course will be on modelling
                To use of simulation software

          Sr. No.                                               Topics
            1.      Introduction: Simulation of a pure-pursuit problem, System and its model, Simulation of an inventory
                    problem, basic nature of simulation, When to simulate
            2.      Simulation of Continuous systems:  A chemical reactor, numerical integration Vs Continuous system
                    simulation, Selection of integration formulas
            3.      Simulation of a servo system, Simulation of water reservoir system, Analog Vs Digital Simulation
            4.      Discrete  System  Simulation:  Fixed  time-step  vs  event-to-event  model,  Simulating    randomness,
                    generation of random numbers
            5.      Discrete System Simulation:  Generation of non-uniformly distributed random numbers, monte-
                    carlo Vs stochastic simulation
            6.      Simulation of Queuing Systems: Rudiments of queuing theory, Simulation of single-server queue,
                    Simulation of two-server queue
            7.      Simulation of a PERT network: Network model of a project, Analysis of an activity network, Critical
                    path computation, Simulation of an activity network
                    Computer program for simulation, resource allocation and cost considerations
            8.      Design and Evaluation of Simulation Experiments: Length of simulation runs, variance reduction
                    techniques, experimental layout, validation
            9.      Simulation Languages: Continuous and Discrete system simulation languages, Continuous
                    simulation languages
           10.      Simulation Languages:  Block-structured continuous simulation languages, Expression-based
                    languages, Discrete-system simulation languages
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