P. 214

Network Operating Systems-I

                    notes          Notice also that the lack of any username entries within parentheses () after the = sign prevents
                                   the  users  from  running  the  commands  automatically  masquerading  as  another  user.  This  is
                                   explained further in the next example.

                                   Granting Access to Specific Files as Another User

                                   The sudo -u entry allows allows you to execute a command as if you were another user, but first
                                   you have to be granted this privilege in the sudoers file.
                                   This feature can be convenient for programmers who sometimes need to kill processes related
                                   to projects they are working on. For example, programmer peter is on the team developing a
                                   financial package that runs a program called monthend as user accounts. From time to time the
                                   application fails, requiring “peter” to stop it with the /bin/kill, /usr/bin/kill or /usr/bin/pkill
                                   commands but only as user “accounts”. The sudoers entry would look like this:
                                   peter ALL=(accounts) /bin/kill, /usr/bin/kill, /usr/bin/pkill
                                   User peter is allowed to stop the monthend process with this command:

                                   [peter@bigboy peter]# sudo -u accounts pkill monthend
                                   granting access without needing passwords

                                   This example allows all users in the group operator to execute all the commands in the /sbin
                                   directory without the need for entering a password. This has the added advantage of being more
                                   convenient to the user:

                                   %operator ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/
                                   using aliases in the sudoers file

                                   Sometimes  you’ll  need  to  assign  random  groupings  of  users  from  various  departments  very
                                   similar sets of privileges. The sudoers file allows users to be grouped according to function with
                                   the group and then being assigned a nickname or alias which is used throughout the rest of the
                                   file. Groupings of commands can also be assigned aliases too.
                                   In the next example, users peter, bob and bunny and all the users in the operator group are
                                   made part of the user alias ADMINS. All the command shell programs are then assigned to the
                                   command alias SHELLS. Users ADMINS are then denied the option of running any SHELLS
                                   commands and su:

                                   Cmnd_Alias    SHELLS = /usr/bin/sh,  /usr/bin/csh, \
                                                          /usr/bin/ksh, /usr/local/bin/tcsh, \
                                                          /usr/bin/rsh, /usr/local/bin/zsh
                                   User_Alias    ADMINS = peter, bob, bunny, %operator
                                   ADMINS        ALL    = !/usr/bin/su, !SHELLS
                                   This attempts to ensure that users don’t permanently su to become root, or enter command shells
                                   that bypass sudo’s command logging. It doesn’t prevent them from copying the files to other
                                   locations to be run. The advantage of this is that it helps to create an audit trail, but the restrictions
                                   can be enforced only as part of the company’s overall security policy.

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