P. 131
Unit 6: Source Integration
goals. This layer connects to rules analyzers and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) services to notes
assist in the decision making process. It is essential for companies to build this layer for a more
proactive and competitive approach to conducting business.
6.14.2 eai software topology
The integration topology is a major consideration when building an EAI architecture to meet the
diverse set of integration requirements in an organization. Selecting the right topology will assist
in integration performance, event management and maintenance costs.
Types of software topology are:
1. Hub/star topology
2. Bus topology
3. Point-to-point topology
4. Pipeline topology
5. Network topology
hub/star topology
Hub typology is useful for creating a central point of control. Messages are sent from source to
central hub, which is often in the machine itself. Hub typology works well if business events are
independent and if the Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) on which the typology is based
is from a single vendor. Here the source application sends a single message in one format and
the hub reformats the message as necessary and relays it to the various spokes connected to the
1. Reduces re-entry of the data as it is centralized
2. Promotes re-use of the data
3. As all data must pass through the hub it is easy to monitor and audit data flows across the
network from the hub
4. Scalability is more
1. Mostly the hubs available cannot handle incoming transaction from any other source than
the middleware on which they operate.
2. They cannot manage integration events involving multiple sources and destinations
3. If database is required, it would become a source of processing or routing bottlenecks as
volumes grow and integration rules become complex.
Bus topology
Bus typology is useful for distributing information to many destinations. Source applications
put messages onto a system-wide logical software bus that is accessible to other applications.
One or more applications can then selectively subscribe to the messages broadcast on the bus.
Traffic does not need to flow through the central switching point. This is possible in publish and
subscribe middleware only. Bus typology circumvents the problem of bottlenecks.
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