P. 138
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
notes platform integration
This provides connectivity among heterogeneous hardware, operating systems and application
platforms. The various technologies providing platform integration are:
1. Messaging: this is for asynchronous connectivity
2. Remote Procedure Calls: Synchronous connectivity
3. Object Request Brokers: Both types of connectivity
The logic for connecting each application must be defined either through code or pre coded
applications adapters. Additional functionality is required to reconcile the differences in data
representation in the system. This can be done by hand coding or by the use of data translations
and transformation products. Logic is required for message routing and this can be provided
either through hand coding or by a Message Broker.
Monitoring and management of end-to-end business process has to be done through hand coding
or automated process management tools.
Data integration
Data integration is of Two types:
1. Database gateways like Sybase DirectConnect, Information Builders EDA SQL and
Oracle Open Gateway which provide SQL access to heterogeneous data sources. They are
synchronous data access products and require application developers with knowledge in
the database schemas
2. Tools for Extracting, Transforming, Moving and Loading Data- ETML tools:
(a) They are batch or point in time solutions suitable for initial loading of data warehouse
or large batch transfers. They extract and load data directly bypassing application
logic. ETML vendors are extending functionality through messaging support.
The solution set of system-to-system data map. A new system must be mapped to all other
systems it’s integrated with. Changes in application impact mapping to every other systems it’s
integrating with. Tools that provide impact analysis simplify change management.
component integration
Hub and spoke integration-hub provides some of the integration. Application servers are used to
provide data access to variety of relational database sources applications Adapters to packaged
applications and middleware services like messaging are also available.
application integration
Application integration provides a framework for technology for near real time processing. The
framework includes:
1. Underlying platform integration technology
2. Event integration through Message Broker that provide data translation
3. Transformation & rules based routing
4. Application interface integration provided through application adapters to packages
5. Custom applications
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