P. 273
Unit 14: Quality Driven Data Warehouse Design
Data warehouse users can be divided into four categories: Statisticians, Knowledge Workers, notes
Information Consumers, and Executives. Each type makes up a portion of the user population as
illustrated in this Figure 14.6.
figure 14.6: the user pyramid
1. Statisticians: There are typically only a handful of sophisticated analysts Statisticians and
operations research types in any organization. Though few in number, they are some of the
best users of the data warehouse; those whose work can contribute to closed loop systems
that deeply influence the operations and profitability of the company. It is vital that these
users come to love the data warehouse. Usually that is not difficult; these people are often
very self-sufficient and need only to be pointed to the database and given some simple
instructions about how to get to the data and what times of the day are best for performing
large queries to retrieve data to analyze using their own sophisticated tools. They can take
it from there.
2. Knowledge Workers: A relatively small number of analysts perform the bulk of new queries
and analyses against the data warehouse. These are the users who get the “Designer” or
“Analyst” versions of user access tools. They will figure out how to quantify a subject
area. After a few iterations, their queries and reports typically get published for the benefit
of the Information Consumers. Knowledge Workers are often deeply engaged with the
data warehouse design and place the greatest demands on the ongoing data warehouse
operations team for training and support.
3. Information Consumers: Most users of the data warehouse are Information Consumers;
they will probably never compose a true ad hoc query. They use static or simple interactive
reports that others have developed. It is easy to forget about these users, because they
usually interact with the data warehouse only through the work product of others. Do not
neglect these users! This group includes a large number of people, and published reports
are highly visible. Set up a great communication infrastructure for distributing information
widely, and gather feedback from these users to improve the information sites over time.
4. Executives: Executives are a special case of the Information Consumers group. Few
executives actually issue their own queries, but an executive’s slightest musing can generate
a flurry of activity among the other types of users. A wise data warehouse designer/
implementer/owner will develop a very cool digital dashboard for executives, assuming
it is easy and economical to do so. Usually this should follow other data warehouse work,
but it never hurts to impress the bosses.
Task Draw & discuss Data warehouse quality reference architecture.
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