P. 46

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

                    notes            summarization tools and thin client application deployment, we want to move beyond
                                     “data reporting” to “data mining.”
                                     According to the authors of Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer
                                     Support, “to really achieve its promise, data mining needs to become an essential business
                                     process, incorporated into other processes, including marketing, sales, customer support,
                                     product design and inventory control. The ‘virtuous cycle’ incorporates data mining into
                                     the larger context of other business processes. It focuses on action based discovery and not
                                     the discovery mechanism itself.”

                                     To this end, MIS is developing a customized process to re-engineer existing MIS applications
                                     into a data warehousing environment where significant improvements and benefits for
                                     end users and the corporation can be realized. The process is founded in accepted data
                                     warehousing principles using an iterative rapid application development methodology,
                                     which is reusable across systems, functions and business solutions.

                                     Data Warehousing
                                     To successfully engage data mining in our processes, the first step is to know who our
                                     customers are. We are able to list them by name, job title, function, and business unit, and
                                     communicate with them regularly.
                                     Next  we  must  be  able  to  identify  the  appropriate  business  opportunities.  In  MIS,  our
                                     priorities are based on business needs as articulated to us by our clients through ad hoc
                                     requests  and  project  management  meetings  and  processes.  Constant  communication,
                                     integration and feedback are required to ensure we are investing our resources in proper
                                     Once having identified our customer base and business cases, we must be able to transform
                                     data  into  useful  information.  Transforming  and  presenting  data  as  information  is  our
                                     primary function in the corporation. We are constantly looking for new and improved
                                     ways  to  accomplish  this  directive.  The  latest  evolution  in  efficiently  transforming  and
                                     presenting data is formal data warehousing practices with browser based front ends.
                                     Source data is crucial to data quality and mining efforts. As each new on-line transactional
                                     system and data base plat form is introduced the complexity of our tasks increases. “Using
                                     operational data presents many challenges to integrators and analysts such as bad data
                                     formats,  confusing  data  fields,  lack  of  functionality,  legal  ramifications,  organizational
                                     factors, reluctance to change, and conflicting timelines (Berry, 25).” Also, the more disparate
                                     the input data sources, the more complicated the integration.

                                     A clear definition of the business need is also required to ensure the accuracy of the end
                                     results.  Defining  a  logical  view  of  the  data  needed  to  supply  the  correct  information,
                                     independent  of  source  data  restraints,  is  necessary.  Here  clients  and  analysts  get  the
                                     opportunity to discuss their business needs and solutions proactively.
                                     Next, a mapping from the physical source data to the logical view is required and usually
                                     involves some compromises from the logical view due to physical data constraints. Then
                                     questions about presentation can begin to be answered. Who needs it? How often? In what
                                     format? What technology is available?
                                     The first iteration of our SAS Data Warehousing solution accesses five operational systems
                                     existing on six data platforms. In addition to printed reports the users expect, the data
                                     warehouse is also accessible through MDDB OLAP technology over the intranet. Users
                                     can now ask and answer their own questions, enabling the creativity needed for successful
                                     data mining. With help from the SAS System, we are busily integrating additional data,
                                     accessing more data platforms and streamlining our processes.

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