P. 260
Unit 12: Sorting
When qsort is activated first time key = 30, and i =2, and j =7, i is incremented till it becomes 3, Notes
because at position 3, the value is greater than key, j is not decremented, because at position 7,
the value that we have is less than the key. Since i<j, we interchange the 3rd element and 7th
element. Then i is incremented till it becomes 6, and j is decremented till it becomes 5. Since i > j,
we interchange the key element that is the element at position 1, with the element at position 5,
and call qsort recursively with the left sub-list made of elements from position 1 to 4, and right
sub-list made of elements from position 6 to 7 as shown below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Indices
27 20 05 10 30 70 50
Left sub-list Right sub-list
By continuing in this fashion, we finally get the sorted list.
The average case time complexity of the quick sort algorithm can be decided as follows:
We assume that every time the list gets splitted into two approximately equal sized sub-lists. If
the size of a given list is n, then it gets splitted into two sub lists of size approximately n/2. Each
of these sub -lists further gets splitted into two sub-lists of size n/4, and this is continued till the
size becomes 1. When the quick sort works with a list of size n it places the key element (which
we take the first element of the list under consideration) at its proper position in the list. This
requires no more than n iterations. After placing the key element at its proper position in the list
of size n, quick sort activates itself two times to work with left and right sub-lists, each assumed
to be of size n/2. Therefore if T(n) is a time required to sort a list of size n. Since the time required
to sort the list of size n is equal to the sum of the time required to place the key element at its
proper position in the list of size n and the time required to sort the left and right sub-lists each
assumed to be of size n/2, T(n) comes out to be:
T(n) = c*n + 2*T(n/2)
Where c is a constant and T(n/2) is the time required to sort the list of size n/2.
Similarly the time required to sort the list of size n/2 is equal to the sum of the time required to
place the key element at its proper positions in the list of size n/ 2 and the time required to sort
the left and right sub-lists each assumed to be of size n/4. T(n/2) comes out to be:
T(n/2) = c*n/2 + 2*T(n/4)
Where T(n/4) is the time required to sort the list of size n/4.
T(n/4) = c*n/4 + 2*T(n/8), and so on and finally we get T(1) = 1.
T(n) = c*n + 2(c*n(n/2) + 2T(n/4))
T(n) = c*n + c*n + 4T(n/4)) = 2*c*n + 4T(n/4) = 2*c*n + 4( c*(n/4) + 2T(n/8))
T(n) = 2*c*n + c*n + 8T(n/8) = 3*c*n + 8T(n/8)
T(n) = (log n)*c*n + nT(n/n)= (log n)*c*n + nT(1) = n + n*(log n) *c
T(n) nlog(n)
Therefore we conclude that the average time complexity of the quick sort algorithm is O(nlog D).
But the worst case time complexity is of the O(n ).
The reason for this is in the worst case one of the two sub-lists will always be empty, and the
other will be of the size (n-1). Where n is the size of the original list. Therefore in the worst case