P. 27
Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms
Notes 1.10 Review Questions
1. Explain operations of data structure.
2. Distinguish between linear and non-linear type of data structure.
3. Write short note on ADT.
4. “ADT is the logical picture of a data type”. Explain
5. “Data abstraction is a tool that allows each data structure to be developed in relative
isolation from the rest of the solution”. Discuss
6. How will you implement data structure? Explain
7. What do you mean by ADT of singly lists? Discuss
8. “The list is logically ordered from smallest unique element of key to the largest value”.
9. “A pointer or a link or a reference is a variable, which stores the memory address of some
other variable”. Discuss
10. How will you remove a record from the structure? Explain
Answers: Self Assessment
1. bits 2. fi le
3. array 4. Data structure
5. Inserting 6. True
7. False 8. True
9. True 10. True
1.11 Further Readings
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice
Hall, 1988.
Data Structures and Algorithms; Shi-Kuo Chang; World Scientifi c.
Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Burkhard Monien, Thomas Ottmann,
Kruse Data Structure & Program Design, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Mark Allen Weles: Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C Second Adition.
Addison-Wesley publishing
RG Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer, Cambridge University Press.
Shi-kuo Chang, Data Structures and Algorithms, World Scientifi c
Sorenson and Tremblay: An Introduction to Data Structure with Algorithms.
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E, Leiserson & Ronald L. Rivest: Introduction to
Algorithms. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi
Timothy A. Budd, Classic Data Structures in C++, Addison Wesley.