P. 298

Unit 14: Network Flows

          9.   Graphs may be implemented in many ways by the use of different kinds of data structures.   Notes
               Postpone implementation decisions until the applications of graphs in the problem-solving
               and algorithm-development phases are well understood.
          10.   How can we determine a maximal spanning tree in a network?

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   True                              2.  True

          3.   False                             4.  True
          5.   False                             6.  Vojtìch Jarník
          7.   Norman Zadeh                      8.  randomized algorithm
          9.   weighted                          10.  DJP algorithm

          14.8 Further Readings

          Books      Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice
                     Hall, 1988.
                     Burkhard Monien, Data Structures and Effi cient  Algorithms, Thomas Ottmann,

                     Kruse, Data Structure & Program Design, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
                     Mark Allen Weles, Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C Second Ed., Addison-
                     Wesley Publishing.
                     RG Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer, Cambridge University Press.

                     Shi-Kuo Chang, Data Structures and Algorithms, World Scientifi c.
                     Shi-kuo Chang, Data Structures and Algorithms, World Scientifi c.
                     Sorenson and Tremblay, An Introduction to Data Structure with Algorithms.
                     Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E, Leiserson & Ronald L.,  Rivest: Introduction to
                     Algorithms. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi.
                     Timothy A. Budd, Classic Data Structures in C++, Addison Wesley.

          Online links

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