P. 15

Unit 1: Introduction to Wireless Networks

          z z  Encrypt sensitive information.  If  you  keep  personal  or  financial  information  on  your   Notes
               computer, consider taking steps to encrypt and protect sensitive files and folders.
          z z  Disable wireless networking when you are not using it.

          Be careful about which hotspots you use

          Avoid  using  hotspots  that  are  run  by  people  you  don’t  know  or  trust.  Criminals  can  set  up
          hotspots known as ‘evil twins’ and ‘rogue hotspots’ to steal users’ information. Use encrypted
          (password protected) networks. Encrypted networks are wireless networks  that require you to
          log in with a password to use them. Choose networks with WPA2 and WPA encryption if they
          are available, because they are more secure than other types of encryption.

          Connect using the right network type

          When you connect to a WiFi network many devices will prompt you to enter a network type
          (‘home’,  ‘work’  or  ‘pubic’).  Always  connect  as  ‘public’  when  you  connect  to  a  public  WiFi
          network as this will lock down the connection more securely.
          Use a virtual private network (VPN) if possible

          Many companies and organisations have a virtual  private  network  (VPN).  VPNs allow
          employees to connect securely to their office network. VPNs encrypt connections at the sending
          and receiving ends and keep out traffic that is not properly encrypted.

          If a VPN is available to you, make sure you log onto it any time you need to use a public wireless
          access point.

          Be aware of your surroundings

          Because you’re likely to have an unsecured, unencrypted network connection when you use a
          public wireless access point, be careful about what you do online-there’s always the chance that
          another user on the network could be monitoring your activity.
          If you can’t connect securely using a VPN, then consider avoiding:

          z z  online banking or shopping
          z z  sending confidential email
          z z  entering passwords or credit card details unless using a secure website.

          Secure your information

          z z  Do not send passwords or credit card details. Criminals using the wireless network can
               steal them. If you must make sensitive transactions, only use secure websites. Look at the
               web address for https:// instead of http:// and look for a locked padlock or key in the
               browser window.

          z z  Encrypt  sensitive  information.  If  you  keep  personal  or  financial  information  on  your
               computer, consider taking steps to encrypt and protect sensitive files and folders. Check
               your computer operating system’s help section to find out how to do this.

          z z  Disable wireless networking when you are not using it. Whenever you are connected to the
               internet, criminals can try to attack your mobile device and steal your information. Reduce
               their opportunities to do this by turning off your device’s WiFi when you are not using it.

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