P. 153
Business Intelligence
Notes 10.4 Summary
A cube may contain multiple viewpoints. Generally each viewpoint displays a subset of
the cube that is related to a widespread subject area or that is needed by a group of users.
For models that contain many subject areas, for example, Sales, Manufacturing, and Supply
data, it might be helpful to Report Builder users if you create perspectives of the model.
An MDX query is different from an MDX expression. An expression is a formula that
calculates a single value. A query is a command that can get numerous values from a cube,
generally to create a report.
You can use Analysis Services as a data source for the Office Excel 2007 PivotTable and
PivotChart characteristics.
Analysis Services provides dimensional data that is well-suited for data exploration in
PivotTables and Power View reports.
From within Excel, select the Analysis Services drop down from the Data tab -> From
Other Sources drop down, and then walk through the data connection wizard to identify
location, cube, and credentials.
Select Trusted Data Providers from the Excel Services Settings of the Shared Services
Administration page. Add MSOLAP.4 to the trusted list in order for the connection to
work in Excel Services.
10.5 Keywords
MDX SELECT: The MDX SELECT statement supports optional syntax, such as the WITH keyword,
the use of MDX functions and the ability to return the values of specific cell properties as part of
the query.
Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query: Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is a query
language for OLAP databases, much like SQL is a query language for relational databases. It is
also a calculation language, with syntax similar to spreadsheet formulas.
Multidimensional Expressions (MDX): Multidimensional Expressions is the query language
that you use to work with and retrieve multidimensional data in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Analysis Services (SSAS).
Perspective: A perspective is a sub-set of a model.
10.6 Review Questions
1. What is perspective?
2. Write down the steps for creating a perspective.
3. Briefly explain the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) Queries.
4. Discuss about SELECT Statement Syntax.
5. Write down the various features you can use to format and analyse data with PivotTable
in Excel 2007.
6. Write short note on excel services data provider.