P. 120

Gurwinder Kaur, Lovely Professional University            Unit 12: Priority-driven Scheduling of Periodic Tasks

             Unit 12: Priority-driven Scheduling of Periodic Tasks                              Notes


            12.1 Static Assumptions
            12.2 Fixed-Priority versus Dynamic-Priority Algorithms
                 12.2.1  Rate Monotonic and Deadline Monotonic Algorithms

                 12.2.2  Some Well Known Dynamic Algorithms
            12.3 Maximum Schedulable Utilization
            12.4 Summary
            12.5 Keywords
            12.6 Review Questions

            12.7 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:

              Describe Static Assumptions
              Enumerate fixed-Priority Versus Dynamic-Priority  Algorithms
              Explain Maximum Schedulable Utilization


          Priority-driven  scheduling is easy to implement. It does not require the information on the
          release times and execution times of the jobs a priori. The run-time overhead due to maintaining
          a priority queue of ready jobs can be made small. Priority-driven algorithms differ from each
          other in how priorities are assigned to jobs. We classify algorithms for scheduling periodic tasks
          into two types, that is, Fixed-priority and Dynamic-priority. A  fixed-priority algorithm assigns
          the same priority  to all the jobs in each task. A  dynamic-priority  algorithm assigns  different
          priorities to the individual jobs in each task. Most real-time scheduling algorithms of practical
          interest assign fixed priority to individual jobs.

          12.1 Static Assumptions

          Consider the assumptions given below:
              The tasks are independent

              There are no aperiodic and sporadic tasks
              Job is ready for execution as soon as it is released
              Jobs are preemptible
              Scheduling decisions are made immediately upon job release and completion

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