P. 5


                                                   Real Time Systems

            Objectives: To enable the students to understand the technicalities of Real Time Systems. Student can identify real time tasks
            and their criticalness. Student will learn various real time task scheduling techniques.

              S. No.                                          Description
                1.   Introduction  to  Real  Time  Applications:  Digital  Control,  High  Levels  Control,  Signal  Processing,  Other  Real
                     Time Applications.
                2.   Hard Versus Soft Real-Time System: Jobs and Processors, Release Time, Deadline and Timing Constraints, Hard
                     and Soft Timing Constraints, Hard Real Time Systems, Soft Real Time Systems.
                3.   A Reference Model of Real Time System: Processors and Resources, Temporal Parameters of Real Time Model,
                     Precedence Constraints and Data Dependencies.
                4.   Other Types of Dependences, Functional Parameters, Resource Parameters of Jobs and Parameters of Resources,
                     Scheduling Hierarchy.
                5.   Commonly  used  Approaches  to  Real  Time  Scheduling:  Clock-Driven  Approach,  Weight  Round-Robin
                     Approach, Priority-Driven Approach, Dynamic versus Static system, Effective Release Times and Deadlines.

                6.   Commonly  used  Approaches  to  Real  Time  Scheduling:  Optimality  of  the  EDF  and  LST  Algorithm,
                     Nonoptimility of the EDF and the LST Algorithm, Challenges in Validating Timing Constraints in Priority-Driven
                     System, Off-Line versus On –Line Scheduling.
                7.   Clock-Driven  Scheduling:  Notations  and  Assumptions,  Static,  Timer-Driven  Scheduler,  General  Structure  of
                     Cyclic Scheduler, Cyclic Scheduling.
                8.   Clock-Driven Scheduling: Improving the Average Response Time of Aperiodic jobs, Scheduling Sporadic Jobs,
                     Practical Consideration and Generalizations, Algorithm for Constructing Static Schedules, Pros and Cons of Clock
                     Driven Scheduling.
                9.   Priority  Driven  Scheduling  of  Periodic  Tasks:  Static  Assumptions,  Fixed  Priority  versus  Dynamic  Priority
                     Algorithms, Maximum Schedulable Utilization, Optimality of the RM and DM Algorithms, A Schedulability Test
                     for Fixed-Priority Tasks with Short Response Time.

               10.   Priority  Driven  Scheduling  of  Periodic  Tasks:  Schedulability  Test  for  Fixed--Priority  Tasks  with  Arbitrary
                     Response Time, Sufficient Schedulability conditions for the RM and DM Algorithm, Practical Factors
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