P. 57

Real Time Systems

                    Notes          may make sense to sacrifice the less critical jobs so that the more critical jobs can meet their
                                   deadline. In a flight control and management system, the job that  controls the  flight of  the
                                   aircraft is more critical than the navigation job that determines the current position relative to
                                   the chosen course.

                                     Notes  Laxity Type and Function
                                     The laxity type of a job indicates whether its timing constraints are soft or hard. The laxity
                                     type  of a job is sometimes supplemented  by a  usefulness function.  In hard real-time
                                     systems solid steps are given in figure further. The usefulness of the result becomes zero
                                     or negative as soon as the job is tardy. It is then better not to execute the job than to execute
                                     it and complete it late. Release a bomb on the target. The dashed and dotted lines show
                                     two other usefulness functions dotted, e.g. transaction on  Point of sales system, more
                                     delay more unsatisfied customer. Eventually usefulness is zero when customer leaves.
                                   Dashed, usefulness is decreasing more  rapidly and  becomes negative, Stock exchange,  late
                                   results will be misleading. Usefulness function is shown below:

                                                            Figure 5.1: Usefulness Function


                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  Tasks often have ……………… dependencies specified among themselves, ………………
                                       dependencies are more common.

                                   2.  Tasks might become ……………… for several reasons.
                                   3.  A common form of dependency arises when one task needs the results of another task to
                                       proceed with its ………………

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