Page 258 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 258
Unit 11: Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management
x[i] = i + 3; Notes
y = z;
x = y;
7. Discuss two different ways of accessing array elements.
8. Write a program to traverse an array using pointer.
9. Write a program to compare two strings using pointer.
10. Can we convert a pointer-to-function to a void*? Explain with an example.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. memory 2. ‘&’
3. indirection 4. unique
5. integers 6. comparison
7. declaration 8. address
9. invoked 10. directly
11. memory heap 12. statically
13. [ ] 14. This
15. X*
11.9 Further Readings
Books E Balagurusamy; Object-oriented Programming with C++; Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
Herbert Schildt; The Complete Reference C++; Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Object Oriented Programming with C++; Cyber tech publications
Online links index.jsp?topic=