Page 296 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 296

Unit 13: Working with Files

          using  namespace  std;                                                                Notes
          int  main()
                  char  FileName[20];
                  char  EmployeeName[40],  Address[50],  City[20],  State[32],  ZIPCode[10];

                  //  1.  Uncomment  the  following  section  to  create  a  new  file

                  cout  <<  “Enter  the  Following  pieces  of  information\n”;
                  cout  <<  “Empl  Name:  “;  cin  >>  ws;
                  cin.getline(EmployeeName,  40);
                  cout  <<  “Address:      “;  cin  >>  ws;
                  cin.getline(Address,  50);
              cout << “City:      “; cin >> ws;

                  cin.getline(City,  20);
              cout << “State:     “; cin >> ws;
                  cin.getline(State,  32);
                  cout  <<  “ZIP  Code:    “;  cin  >>  ws;
                  cin.getline(ZIPCode,  10);
                  cout  <<  “\nEnter  the  name  of  the  file  you  want  to  create:  “;
                  cin  >>  FileName;
                  ofstream  EmplRecords(FileName,  ios::out);
                  EmplRecords  <<  EmployeeName  <<  “\n”  <<  Address  <<  “\n”  <<  City  <<  “\n”
          <<  State  <<  “\n”  <<  ZIPCode;
                  //  2.  Uncomment  the  following  section  to  open  an  existing  file
                  cout  <<  “Enter  the  name  of  the  file  you  want  to  open:  “;
                  cin  >>  FileName;

                  ifstream  EmplRecords(FileName);
                  EmplRecords.getline(EmployeeName,  40,  ‘\n’);
                  EmplRecords.getline(Address,  50);
                  EmplRecords.getline(City,  20);
                  EmplRecords.getline(State,  32);
                  EmplRecords.getline(ZIPCode,  10);

                  cout  <<  “\n  -=-  Employee  Information  -=-”;

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