Page 8 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 8
Balraj Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit 1: Review of Object-oriented Programming
Unit 1: Review of Object-oriented Programming Notes
1.1 Basic Concept of Object-oriented Programming
1.2 Introduction to OOP Languages
1.3 Comparison between Procedural Programming and Object-oriented Programming
1.3.1 Procedure-oriented Programming Paradigm
1.3.2 Object-oriented Programming Paradigm
1.4 Benefits of OOP
1.5 Applications of OOP
1.6 Software Crisis
1.7 Software Evolution
1.8 Summary
1.9 Keywords
1.10 Review Questions
1.11 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Recognize the basic concept of object-oriented programming
Describe the OOP languages
Compare the procedural Oriented and object-oriented programming
Programming practices have evolved considerably over the past few decades. As more and
more programmers gained experience problems unknown hitherto, began to surface. The
programming community became evermore concerned about the philosophy that they adopt in
programming and approaches they practice in program development.
Factors like productivity, reliability, cost effectiveness, reusability etc. started to become major
concern. A lot of conscious efforts were put to understand these problems and to seek possible
solutions. This is precisely the reason why more and more programming languages have been
developed and still continue to develop. In addition to this, approaches to program development
have also been under intense research thereby evolving different frame works. One such, and
probably the most popular one is object-oriented programming approach or simply OOP.