P. 104
Unit 6: Requirement Engineering
6.6 Review Questions Notes
1. What are the feasibility study issues?
2. Suggest who might be stakeholders in a university student records system. Explain why it
is almost inevitable that the requirements of different stakeholders will conflict in some
3. For three of the viewpoints identified in the library cataloguing system, suggest services
which might be provided to that viewpoint, data which the viewpoint might provide and
events which control the delivery of these services.
4. Using your own knowledge of how an ATM is used, develop a set of use cases that could
be used to derive the requirements for an ATM system.
5. How would the organization cope if the system weren’t implemented?
6. What are the current process problems and how would the system help with these?
7. Is new technology needed New skills?
8. What must be supported by the system and what had not be supported?
9. Requirements may change throughout the life of a computer based system. Explain.
10. Requirements management is the process of managing changing requirements during the
requirements engineering process and system development. Discuss.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. specification 2. System
3. validation 4. identification
5. ones and zeros 6. software project
7. valid 8. use-cases
9. Sequence 10. negotiation
11. validation 12. requirements
13. workflow 14. CASE tool
15. Prototyping
6.7 Further Readings
Books Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Second Edition, PHI.
Richard Fairpy, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering a Practioner’s Approach, 5th edition, Tata McGraw
Hill Higher education.
Sommerville, Software Engineering, Sixth edition, Pearson Education.
Online links