P. 13

Software Engineering

                    Notes          Operating procedures comprise of instructions required to setup and use the software and
                                   instructions on actions to be taken during failure. List of operating procedure manuals/
                                   documents is given in Figure 1.5.

                                                      Figure 1.5: List of Operating Procedure Manuals
                                                                                    System overview

                                                                   Operation       Reference material

                                            Operating                               Beginner’s guide
                                                                                   System administration guide
                                                                                    Installation guide

                                   1.2.2 Software Engineering and Its Relationship with Other Disciplines

                                   Any area that involves a sequence of steps (i.e. an algorithm) to generate output can make use of
                                   software engineering. The nature of the software application depends upon two things: (1) the
                                   form of incoming and outgoing information. Some business applications generate more complex
                                   results then others and require more complex inputs. (2) The sequence and timing of the
                                   information being used. A program that takes data in a predefined order, applies algorithms to
                                   it and generates results is called a determinate program. On the other hand, the application that
                                   accepts data from multiple users at varied timings, applies logic that can be interrupted by
                                   external conditions, and generates results that vary according to time and environment are
                                   called indeterminate. Although software application cannot be categorized, following areas
                                   show the potential application of software in various breadths:

                                       Real-time software: It refers to the software that controls the events and when they occur.
                                       The data gatherer component of the software gathers the data and formats it into an
                                       acceptable form. The analyzer component that transforms information as required by the
                                       application. The output component that interacts with the external environment and the
                                       monitoring component that coordinates with all the components to generate timely results.

                                       Business software: It is the single largest area of software application. These areas use one
                                       or more large databases for business information and reframe the information in such a
                                       manner that facilitates business operations and decision making. For example, library
                                       management, data inventory, HR management, etc.

                                       System Software: It is the software program that interacts with the hardware components
                                       so that other application software can run on it. Operating systems like Windows, Unix,
                                       DOS, etc., are examples of the system software. Such type of software perform a wide
                                       range of operations like allocation and distribution of memory amongst various computer
                                       processes, process scheduling, resource scheduling, etc.

                                       Embedded software: This software resides in the commodities for the consumer and industry
                                       markets in the form of read-only memory devices. They perform limited functions e.g.
                                       keypad of an automatic washing machine or significant functions as per requirement e.g.
                                       dashboard functions in an aircraft.

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