P. 258

Software Engineering

                    Notes              (ii)  A network schema
                                            (a)  restricts the structure to a one-to-many relationship
                                            (b)  permits many-to-many relationships
                                            (c)  stores data in tables
                                            (d)  none of the above
                                       (iii)  In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
                                            (a)  Relations                    (b)  Domains
                                            (c)  Queries                      (d)  None of the above
                                       (iv)  Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
                                            (a)  tree                         (b)  relational
                                            (c)  network                      (d)  chain
                                       (v)  The relational model uses some unfamiliar terminology. A tuple is equivalent to a
                                            (a)  network                      (b)  field
                                            (c)  file                         (d)  data base
                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  data values                       2.   data model
                                   3.  relation                          4.   tuple
                                   5.  network data model                6.   entity
                                   7.  attributes                        8.   graphically
                                   9.  physical                          10.  Null-valued or  Non-Null-valued
                                   11.  Multiplicity                     12.  Derivable
                                   13.  E-R model                        14.  Binary
                                   15.  ER components
                                   14.9 Further Readings

                                   Books       Elmasari Navathe,  Fundamentals  of Database  Systems,  Third Edition,  Pearson
                                               Education Asia
                                               Peter  Rob,  Carlos  Coronel,  Database  Systems:  Design,  Implementation,  and
                                               Management, Seventh Edition, Thomson Learning
                                               Raghu Ramakrishnan,  Johannes Gehrke,  Database Management Systems,  Third
                                               Edition, McGraw-Hill, Higher Education
                                               Silberschatz,  Korth,  Sudarshan,  Database  System  Concepts,  Fourth  Edition,

                                   Online links

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