P. 4


                                                Software Engineering

          Objectives: To enable the student to understand software development process and software engineering approaches with
          testing techniques. Student will practice software engineering concepts using UML.

                    Sr.                                   Description

                     1     Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving Role of Software,  Software
                     2     A generic view of Process: Software Engineering-A Layered Technology, A process

                           framework, The Capability Maturity Model Integration, Process Patterns, Process

                     3     Process Models : Prescriptive Models, The Waterfall model, Incremental Process
                           Models : The Incremental model, The RAD model

                           Evolutionary Process models: Prototyping, The Spiral model, The Concurrent
                           Development model, A final comment on evolutionary Processes.

                     4     An Agile view of Process: What is Agility, Agile Process models: XP, ASD,
                           DSDM, Scrum, Crystal, FDD, AM.
                           Requirements Engineering: A Brigade to design & construction,

                           Requirements Engineering tasks: Inception, Elicitation, negotiation, Specification,
                           Validation, Requirements Management.

                     5     Software Engineering Practice : The Essence of practice, Core Principles, Planning

                           practices, Modelling practices: Analysis modelling principles, Design Modelling

                           principles Construction practice : Coding principles and concepts, Testing principles
                           Design Engineering: Design process & Design Quality. Design Concepts:

                           Abstraction ,Architecture, patterns, Modularity, Information hiding, Functional
                           independence, Refinement, Refactoring, Design Classes
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