P. 135

Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

          4.13 Review Questions                                                                 Notes

          1.   Explain why CSS technology is a great step forward in web development?
          2.   Style Sheets are the easiest way to provide a default font styling for HTML. Do you agree
               with this statement? Explain with examples to support your answer.
          3.   Cascading style sheets provide web developers an easy way to format and to style web
               pages. Analyze

          4.   A Property is an identifier. Give reasons
          5.   Substantiate why inline Styles Are Not Best Practice?
          6.   <div>  gives you the chance to define the style of whole sections of HTML. Explain and
               give example
          7.   Using classes with your CSS can make customizing your pages ten times easier. Explain

          8.   Can Style Sheets and HTML stylistic elements be used in the same document?
          9.   What do you mean by CSS declaration and CSS properties? Give examples.
          10.  List out the different ways of implementing CSS.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   template                          2.  Style Sheets

          3.   Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)      4.  constraints
          5.   glyphs                            6.  rendering
          7.   content                           8.  center
          9.   device                            10.  style=”...”

          11.  <HEAD>                            12.  external style sheet
          13.  XSL                               14.  CSS
          15.  <style>                           16.  block-level
          17.  attribute

          4.14 Further Readings

           Books         Core CSS: cascading style sheets,

                         Hakon Wium Lie, Håkon Wium Lie, Bert Bos, Cascading style sheets: designing
                         for the Web, Addison-Wesley Professional
                         Ian Pouncey, Richard York, Ian Pouncey, Beginning CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
                         for Web Design, Richard York

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