P. 295
Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching
12. In Kolkata, Nitin turns on his computer to check the mail. He tells his Macintosh mail Notes
client to see if any new mail has arrived. Now it is the turn of his mail client to connect to
the mail server on Nitin’s host computer and using the POP protocol, asks the server to
check Nitin’s mailbox. Since server finds your message, so using POP, it sends the message
to the client and places the message in his local mailbox (a file on the Mac) and tells him
that new mail has arrived. Now, with the help of mail program, Nitin displays the message.
13. Similarly, in Germany, Puja has logged into her shell account on a Unix host. She runs her
UNIX mail program which checks her mailbox and tells her new mail has arrived. Using
appropriate command, Puja tells the mail program to show her your message.
Did u know? What are the components of E-Mail?
An email message consists of three components, the message envelope, the message
header, and the message body.
Basic E-Mail Functions
E-Mail programs tend to work alike, even down to the keystrokes required to execute a command.
Whichever E-Mail application you use, you do the same basic tasks. There are only a few basic
functions in E-Mail, and almost all mailers handle them. They are:
Compose (new messages)
Reply (to messages you have received)
Forward (messages you have received)
Store (to organize all stored messages)
Delete (to prevent mail from accumulating in your mailbox)
Print (to produce a paper copy)
Include or attach (other files in your work)
Address book or aliases
Sort your mail
E-Mail Clients
The software that you install on your PC to send and receive E-Mails is called E-Mail client. Once
you have an E-Mail address, and a connection to the Internet, all you have to do is choose an
E-Mail client and install it on your computer. A large number of commercial and shareware
E-Mail packages exist. Windows comes with its own E-Mail client called Microsoft Exchange.
Notes Microsoft Office comes with Microsoft Outlook, a personal information manager
that can also send and receive mail.
Full featured E-Mail client are also available as part of the Web browser suites that Netscape
communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer offer. Finally be aware that each of the on-line