P. 301

Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

          2.   One of the challenges of writing applications for the World Wide Web has been inability  Notes
               of the web to maintain state. Comment
          3.   Explain  why  maintaining  state  is  important  to  developing  complex  interactive
          4.   Did you know why cookies has no special significance? Give reasons
          5.   ASP is the tool you need if you’re looking for a way to pull together HTML pages, script
               commands, and COM components. Examine
          6.   Data retrieving from a repository can be quite a “heavy” task from a performance point of
               view. Analyze
          7.   The FileSystem property returns the file system in use for a specified drive. Explain this
               statement with proper example.

          8.   The cache control property is your way of instructing the proxy to cache or not to cache.
          9.   Substantiate the pitfalls of Data Caching.

          10.  Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Comment

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          1.   ASP Session                           2.   actual
          3.   ASP Request Object                    4.   destroyed

          5.   NAME=value                            6.   HTTP
          7.   Message                               8.   GetFileName
          9.   CopyFolder                            10.  GetAbsolutePathName
          11.  GetSpecialFolder                      12.  Microsoft Exchange
          13.  Command                               14.  application lifecycle

          15.  cached

          13.9 Further Readings

           Books         Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing
                         David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis,  Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
                         Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons
                         Duane Wessels, Web caching, O’Reilly Media
                         Simon St. Laurent, Cookies, (Paperback), Computing Mcgraw-Hill.

          Online links

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