P. 142
Unit 11: Cyber Security and Crime
We can prevent information hacking by adopting the following measures to set difficult
1. Using alternate capital and lower-case letters in random order.
2. Using figures instead of letters for instance, 5 can be written as S
3. Typing few words with the keyboard layout of other language.
A complex password is a random combination of figures and letters, for example,
4. Cyber Stalking: It involves the following:
(a) Following a person's movements over the Internet by posting threatening messages on the
bulletin boards frequently visited by the victim.
(b) Entering the chat-rooms frequently visited by the victim.
(c) Bombarding the victim with e-mails constantly.
A Glendale based businessman spied on his ex-girlfriend with the help of a GPS
tracking device (Nextel phone device) on a cell phone. The device was embedded
with a motion switch that turned itself on when it moved. The businessman
installed the phone under his girlfriend’s car. When the device was in on mode, it
transmitted a signal to the GPS satellite which traced the location information and
forwarded it to the computer. The victim realized about the monitoring just after
the phone was found underneath her car.
5. Data Diddling: Data diddling involves modifying raw data just prior to the computer processing.
The data is then changed to its original form after the processing is completed.
Indian Electricity Boards were victims of data diddling. They were targeted when
the private parties were installing their systems.
6. E-mail Bombing: E-mail bombing involves sending a large number of e-mails to the victim which
crashes the e-mail account or mail servers.
A foreigner who had been residing in India for almost thirty years wanted to avail
a scheme introduced by the Shimla Housing Board to buy land at lower rates. The
person’s application was rejected on the grounds that the scheme was available
only for citizens of India. The person decided to take revenge and consequently
sent thousands of e-mails to the Shimla Housing Board till their servers crashed.
7. Salami Attack: These attacks are used for the commission of financial crimes. An important
feature of this type of attack is that the alteration is so small that it normally is not noticed.
A bank employee inserted a program into the bank's servers. This deducted a
small amount of money from the account of every customer. No account holder
noticed this unauthorized debit, but the bank employee was able to accumulate a
sizable amount of money every month.
8. Internet Time Theft: In these kinds of thefts the Internet browsing hours of the victim are used up
by another person.