P. 242

Yadwinder Singh, Lovely Professional University            Unit 13:  Binary Search Trees

                                       Unit 13: Binary Search Trees


               13.1 Binary Search Tree Operations
                   13.1.1   Searching in Binary Search Trees
                   13.1.2   Inserting in Binary Search Trees
                   13.1.3   Deleting in Binary Search Trees
                   13.1.4   Other Operations

               13.2 Summary
               13.3 Keywords
               13.4 Self Assessment
               13.5 Review Questions
               13.6 Further Readings

               After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               •    Explain insertion operation in a binary search tree

               •    Describe searching operation in a binary search tree
               •    Explain deletion operation in a binary search tree
               •    Find the height of a binary search tree
               •    Determine the minimum and maximum value in a binary search tree
               •    Write a C function to count the leaves and nodes of a binary search tree

               You have already learnt about binary trees. The disadvantage of binary trees is that data is stored in
               these trees in any order and hence, the time taken to search these trees is longer. Search trees are data
               structures that support many dynamic-set  operations such as searching, finding the minimum or
               maximum values, insertion, and deletion. Binary search trees, AVL trees and B+ trees are examples of
               search trees.
               A binary search tree (BST) has binary nodes. In a binary search tree, for a given node with value n, each
               node to the left has a value lesser than n and each node to the right has a value greater than n. This
               applies recursively down the left and right sub-trees.

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