P. 61

Data Structure

                                           #define SIZE 20                  //Define array size

                                           void main()

                                           float sum(float[], int);              //Function declaration
                                           float x[SIZE], Sum_total=0.0;
                                           int i, n;                       //Variable declaration

                                           printf("Enter the number of elements in array\n");
                                           scanf(" %d", &n);                //Reads the data added by user

                                           printf("Enter %d elements:\n", n);        //Printing the values in the array
                                           for(i=0; i<n; i++)                                       //Iterations using for loop
                                           /* Input the elements of the array (Traverse operation)*/

                                                scanf(" %f", &x[i]);
                                           printf("The elements of array are:\n\n");   //Printing the elements of the array
                                           for(i=0; i<n; i++)                                               //Iterations using for loop

                                           /*print the elements of array in floating point form(Traverse operation)*/

                                               printf(" %.2f\t", x[i]);
                                           /*Call the function sum and store the value returned in Sum_total*/
                                           Sum_total = sum(x, n);

                                           /*Printing the sum*/

                                           printf("\n\nSum of the given array is: %.2f\n", Sum_total);
                                           getch();                       //wait until a key is pressed
                                           float sum(float x[], int n)        //Function declaration

                                           int i;                        //Variable declaration
                                           float total=0.0;            //the variable total is set to 0.0
                                           for(i=0; i<n; i++)        //Iterations
                                           total+=x[i];               //each element x[i] is added to the value of total
                                           return(total);            //Returning the total value

                                           Enter the number of elements in array
                                           Enter 5 elements
                                           14 15 16 17 18
                                           The elements of array are:
                                           14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00
                                           Sum of the given array is: 80.00

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