P. 4
Modern Programming Tools & Techniques – II
Objectives: To impart the skills needed to implement Network enabled technologies. Student will learn: dot net framework
classes, multi-language support, platform independence, console and windows applications development, implementing Object
oriented concepts in dot net, file handling in dot net, database application development using dot net and data transmission
Sr. No. Description
1. Introduction: What is C#, Why C#, Evolution of C#, Characteristics of C#, Difference of C#
from C++ and Java, Writing a C# program
2. Variables and Data Types: Variables and Data Types, Boxing & Un-boxing, Operators &
Decision Making and Looping: If, If else if. While, do while, for loop.
3. Handling Arrays: Declaring Arrays. System.Array class
Methods: Declaring Methods, Invoking Methods, Pass by Value, Pass by Reference
4. Classes & Object in C#: Defining Classes, object, methods.
Constructors, Using Polymorphism, Inheritance in classes.
5. Interfaces: Meaning and Implementation
Namespaces: Meaning and its working. Using System Namespace and Object class.
6. Exception Handling: Exceptions, Multiple Catch Statements, Using Finally Statement, Nested
Try Blocks
7. Windows Programming: Using Controls- textboxes, listbox, buttons, datetime picker,
comboboxes etc
Common Dialog Boxes: OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, MessageBox Class and
DialogResult Class.
8. File Input Output: Working with Files and Directories. System.IO.
9. ADO.NET: Accesing Database with ADO.NET. Executing Insertion, deletion, updation and select
command with databases.
10. XML Basics: What is XML? Data Representation through XML. Working with XMLReader and
XMLWriter Classes.