P. 189
Unit 13: Expert Systems and its Architecture
choices where some randomness was part of the natural system (such as when to throw a Notes
surprise pitch-out to try to trick a runner trying to steal a base) were decided based on probabilities
supplied by Weaver or La Russa.
Today we would simply say that “the game’s AI provided the opposing manager’s strategy.”
Self Assessment
Fill in the blank:
7. Microsoft has designed their expert system to provide solutions, advice, and suggestions
to common errors encountered throughout using the ....................... .
13.5 Advantages and Disadvantages
13.5.1 Advantages
Provides consistent answers for repetitive decisions, processes and tasks
Holds and maintains significant levels of information
Encourages organizations to clarify the logic of their decision-making
Never “forgets” to ask a question, as a human might
13.5.2 Disadvantages
Lacks common sense needed in some decision making
Cannot make creative responses as human expert would in unusual circumstances
Domain experts not always able to explain their logic and reasoning
Errors may occur in the knowledge base, and lead to wrong decisions
Cannot adapt to changing environments, unless knowledge base is changed
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
8. Expert system encourages organizations to clarify the logic of their ....................... .
9. Expert System lacks ....................... needed in some decision making.
13.6 Types of Problems Solved by Expert Systems
Expert systems are most valuable to organizations that have a high-level of know-how experience
and expertise that cannot be easily transferred to other members. They are designed to carry the
intelligence and information found in the intellect of experts and provide this knowledge to
other members of the organization for problem-solving purposes. Typically, the problems to
be solved are of the sort that would normally be tackled by a medical or other professional. Real
experts in the problem domain (which will typically be very narrow, for instance “diagnosing
skin conditions in human teenagers”) are asked to provide “rules of thumb” on how they
evaluate the problems, either explicitly with the aid of experienced systems developers, or
sometimes implicitly, by getting such experts to evaluate test cases and using computer programs