P. 4

                                                Artificial Intelligence

          Objectives:  To enable  the student  to  understand  technicalities  of  intelligence,  capturing  and  generating  knowledge,
          knowledge representation methodologies,  Natural language  processing. Student  will also learn Fuzzy  Logic with  their
          applications and an Artificial intelligence language Prolog.

             Sr. No.                                         Description
                1.    Introduction and Overview: Meaning of AI, The AI Problems, Task Domains, AI Technique, Criteria for
                2.    Problems, Problem Spaces & Search: Defining The Problem as a State Space Search, Production Systems –
                      BFS, DFS, Heuristic Search, Problem & Production System Characteristics, Issues in the Design of Search
                      Programs, Common AI Problems
                3.    Heuristic  Search  Techniques:  Generate  &  Test,  Hill  Climbing,  Best  First  Search,  Constraint  Satisfaction,
                      Means-End Analysis
                4.    Knowledge  Representation: General  Concepts  of  Knowledge,  Approaches  of  Knowledge  Representation,
                      Predicate Logic to Represent Knowledge, Resolution, Unification algorithm
                5.    Knowledge  Representation  using  Rules:  Procedural  vs  Declarative  Knowledge,  Logic  Programming,
                      Forward vs Backward Reasoning, Matching & Control Knowledge
                6.    Symbolic Reasoning Under Uncertainty: Nonmonotonic Reasoning
                      Statistical Reasoning: Probability & Bayes Theorem, Certainty Factors and  Rule Based Systems, Bayesian
                      N/W, Fuzzy Logic and applications
                7.    Weak Slot and Filler Structures: Semantic Nets, Frames
                      Strong Slot and Filler Structures: Conceptual Dependency, Scripts

                8.    Natural  Language  Processing:  Introduction,  Steps,  Syntactic  Processing,  Semantic  Analysis,  Discourse  &
                      Pragmatic Processing, Spell Checking
                9.    Learning: Meaning, Rote Learning, Learning by taking Advice, Learning from examples, Explanation-Based
                      learning, Expert Systems & Its Architecture, Speech Recognition
               10.    Prolog: Introduction, Converting English to Prolog Facts and Rules, Goals, Prolog Terminology, Variables,
                      Control Structures, Arithmetic operators, Matching, Backtracking, Lists, Input/Output and Streams
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