P. 149

Unit 9: Design of an Absolute Loader

          6.   Discuss the format of Data Bases in the design of a direct linking loader.       Notes
          7.   What is purpose of ID number on ESD cards? Why it is not needed for locally  defined

          8.   Describe the function of each of the RLS, ESD, TXT and END records.
          9.   Illustrate the different types of external symbols.
          10.  What is Global External Symbol Table? Discuss.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   absolute                        2.    loader.
          3.   object file                     4.    direct-linking

          5.   non-relocatable                 6.    ESD
          7.   External symbols                8.    TXT
          9.   END                             10.   pass 1

          11.  pass 2                          12.   Global External Symbol Table (GEST)
          13.  different                       14.   RLD
          15.  SLENGTH

          9.6 Further Readings

           Books     Chattopadhyay, System Software, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
                     Donovan, Systems Programming, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

                     I.A. Dhotre A.A. Puntambekar, Systems Programming, Technical Publications
                     M. Joseph, System Software, Firewall Media

          Online link

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