P. 155

Unit 10: Programming Languages Concept (I)

          on DAta SYstem Languages) commissioned by US government in 1959. Statements of COBOL  Notes
          language resemble English language expressions and it makes them easy to understand and use.


          Developed by Denis Ricthie at the Bell Laboratories in 1970, it is a general purpose programming
          language, which features economy of expression, modern control flow and data structures, and
          a rich set of operators. Its programs are highly portable (machine independent).

             Did u know?  C language supports modular programming through the use of functions,
             subroutines, and macros.

          LISP (LISt Processor)

          Developed in 1960 by Prof.  John McGrthy, Lisp and Prolog (PROgramming  LOGic) are the
          primary languages used in artificial intelligence research and applications.

          RPG (Report Program Generator)

          RPG is an important business oriented programming language developed by IBM in late 1960s.
          It is primarily used for preparing written reports. Advantages:
          (a)  RPG is problem oriented.
          (b)  It is easy to learn and use.
          (c)  Limited programming  skills are required.

          10.2.3 Features of High Level Languages


              Data Abstraction: The machine's illustration of information is unknown.
              Computation Abstraction: Machine instructions are concealed by higher-level operations
               and procedural abstraction.

          Precise Representation

          Algorithms articulated in a form appropriate for computer processing. Syntax** and Semantics
          must be followed.


              Compiled: Program text is transformed to executable code, which is then implemented.
              Interpreted: Program text is scrutinized and implemented one step at a time.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          3.   High level languages are procedure-oriented languages and are .......................... independent.

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