P. 18
System Software
Notes Interpreter: It is a translator program that converts a statement of high-level language to machine
language and implements it instantly.
Loader: Loader is a custom that loads an object program and organizes it for execution.
Macro: A macro displays a generally used group of statements in the source programming
Operating System: It is the most significant system program that performs as an interface
among the users and the system. It makes the computer simpler to utilize.
SIC: SIC points to Simplified Instruction Computer which is a imaginary computer that has
been intended to comprise the hardware traits most frequently found on real machines, while
averting unusual and immaterial complexities.
System Software: It is defined as software needed to assist the production or implementation of
application programs but which is not particular to any specific application.
1.6 Review Questions
1. What is system software? Explain the concept of system software with examples.
2. Illustrate the relation between hardware, software, and user of the system.
3. Illustrate the concept of general machine structure.
4. Illustrate the concept of Machine dependency of system software.
5. Explain data formats and instruction sets in SIC Machine architecture.
6. Describe various registers used in SIC/XE Machine Architecture.
7. What do you mean by system programming? Enlighten the components of system
8. Make distinction between compilers and interpreters.
9. Illustrate the function of assemblers with example.
10. Explain the use of loaders and linkers.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. System software 2. application
3. instruction 4. machine
5. computer 6. resources
7. Simplified Instruction Computer 8. Test Device (TD)
9. Conditional 10. SVC
11. Operating System 12. Compiler
13. Interpreter 14. Loader
15. macro processor