P. 80

System Software

                    Notes          Linear search is demonstrated in Figure 5.1.
                                                        Figure  5.1:  Sample  Linear  Search  Program

                                                 LA   4, SYMTBL     Start of table
                                      LOOP       CLC  0(8,4), SYMBOL   Compare symbols
                                                 BE   SYMFOUND      Equal
                                                 A   4,= F'14'      Move to next symbol
                                                 C   4, LAST        Are we at end of table
                                                 BNE  LOOP          Loop back if not
                                      NOTFOUND       (Symbol not found)

                                      SYMFOUND       (Symbol found)

                                      SYMBOL     DS   CL14          Symbol to be searched for, character string of length 14
                                      SYMTBL     DS   100CL14       Symbol table space (14 bytes per entry)
                                      LAST       DC   A(-----)      Address of current end of symbol table

                                   This kind of linear search procedure is okay for short tables and has an ease in the procedure, but
                                   it can be very slow for long tables. It is analogous to searching for a word in a dictionary whose
                                   contents are not in an ordered manner. It would give slight relieve to recognize  that on  an
                                   average, you only have to look out for half of the dictionary.

                                     Did u know? Linear search is also known as sequential search as it compares the consecutive
                                     elements of the specified set by means of the search key.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  Linear search method accesses table in which the items have not been ………………… .
                                   2.  ………………… process can be very slow for long tables.
                                   3.  Linear search is also  known as ………………… search as it compares the consecutive
                                       elements of the specified set by means of the search key.
                                   4.  A specified  keyword can be searched by comparing  every …………………  in the table
                                       with the specified keyword.

                                   5.2 Binary Searching

                                   Another relatively simple method of accessing a table is the binary search method. The entries
                                   in the table are stored in alphabetically or numerically increasing order.
                                   The drawback of sequential search can be eliminated if it becomes possible to eliminate large
                                   portions of the list from consideration in subsequent iterations. Binary search requires sorted
                                   data to operate on. In this method, search begins by examining the records in the middle of file
                                   rather than the one at one of the ends as in sequential search.

                                   Let us assume that file being searched is sorted on increasing value of key. Based on the result of
                                   the comparison with the middle key, Km, following conclusions can be drawn.

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