P. 95

Unit 6: Table Processing: Sorting

          Shell Sort: The Shell sort is analogous to the interchange sort as it shifts data items by exchanges.  Notes
          Sorting: Sorting is the operation of arranging data in some given order such as increasing or
          decreasing, with numerical data or alphabetically, with character data.

          6.8 Review Questions

          1.   What is sorting? Discuss the need for sorting.
          2.   Discuss the significant considerations followed in sorting.
          3.   How shell sort is comparable to the interchange sort? Illustrate.
          4.   Illustrate how the elements are reorganized in case of interchange sort.

          5.   Why is radix exchange sort considered as an improved distributed sort?
          6.   What steps are required to make interchange sort more proficient? Discuss.
          7.   Illustrate the process of shell sort with example.

          8.   Demonstrate the concept of bucket sort with example.
          9.   The radix exchange sort does not need additional table space for "buckets". Comment.
          10.  Illustrate the drawbacks that appear on using bucket sort internally on a digital computer.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   internal                          2.  external
          3.   Sorting                           4.  Interchange

          5.   Distributive                      6.  Comparative
          7.   Address calculation               8.  Shell sort
          9.   exchanges                         10.  B*N*(log N) 2
          11.  Radix                             12.  buckets

          13.  radix exchange                    14.  (M+ l)st
          15.  N*log (K)
          6.9 Further Readings

           Books      Chattopadhyay, System Software, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
                      Donovan, Systems Programming, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
                      I.A. Dhotre A.A. Puntambekar, Systems Programming, Technical Publications

                      M. Joseph, System Software, Firewall Media
                      Shi-kuo Chang, Data Structures and Algorithms, World Scientific

          Online link

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