Page 4 - DCAP512_WAP_AND_WML
P. 4

                                                     WAP & WML

          Objectives: To Impart the skills needed to implement wireless applications. Student will learn wireless application protocols
          using WAP, Wireless Markup Language WML to work with devices that support WAP. Student can work with images and
          manage input and outputs. Student will also learn WML Scripts and security issues related to wireless applications.

             Sr. No.                                        Description

                1.    Understanding WAP, Introducing WML: What is WML, Getting started with WML? Understanding WML
                2.    Writing for WAP in WML: Creating first card, Building decks of cards, Using basic navigation
                3.    Card Navigation: Using URLs, Tags used in Navigation, Using phone buttons and Function keys, Navigation
                4.    Managing Output: Basic Card output, Layout, Rendering
                5.    Using Images: Using images and icons, Image restrictions, Using localscr Images, Using images efficiently
                6.    Working with user input: Using variables, Free form input with <input>, restricted input with <select>, under
                     implemented input behavior, delivering data to applications
                7.    Email Integration: Email  and WAP, integrating Email into your applications
                8.    Using WMLScript: WMLScript vs Javascript, Using WMLScript Functions, Using WMLScript Libraries,
                     Sample Application
                9.    Securing Applications: Security basics, WAP security architechture, Session management, WML for secure
                10.    Writing for HTML and WML: Why two languages, How to write for both languages, database driven
                     applications, other languages
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