Page 75 - DCAP512_WAP_AND_WML
P. 75

Unit 6: Card Navigation

          6.1 Card Navigation                                                                   Notes

          The element is the simplest way in WML of creating an anchor that links one document to another.
          Elements have a number of attributes that can be used to configure and customize their behavior.
          Apart from the common attributes xml:lang, id and class, the <a> element supports attributes called
          href, title and access key. href is used to specify the destination of a hyperlink. The destination may
          be within a deck, or a card in another deck that is also on the same site or the card may be in a deck
          which is on another site. For the first case, it is simply a matter of specifying the id of the destination
          card as the value of href. For the second one, we have to specify the URL for the deck and the id
          attribute of the desired card element within that deck. For the last case, the destination has to be
          specified fully with a full URL, the server name, the deck to load and the card within the deck.

          The <a> element’s title attribute is used to provide a brief description of the hyperlink.  The
          accesskey attribute allows the user to select an anchor by pressing a key on the keypad of the
          WAP-enabled device. The accesskey attribute’s values are the numbers, which appear on the left
          side of the hyperlinks. Pressing those keys will result immediate navigation.
          The <anchor> element supports the same attributes with the same semantics as, with the exception
          of href. It performs straightforward navigation. This element can be used together with elements
          called <go> and <prev> to specify a destination for the hyperlink.
          The <go> element is used to specify a navigation action that occurs as a result of an event. The
          <go> supports a number of attributes. When used with the <anchor> element to perform simple
          navigation, the <go> element has the following general form:
          <go href=”destination” />
          The <anchor> element offers the ability to navigate to the previous card. This is being achieved
          by the <prev> element.
          The <card> element encloses a WML card within a deck. In addition, text and graphics enclosed
          within <p> elements, it may also contain a number of event bindings

          The <card> element supports the following attributes:
              Attribute      Value                        Description
           title          cdata        Gives a title to this card. This title is displayed in some way by
                                       the browser when the card is visible.
           newcontext         true     Specifies that when this card is entered, the browser context
                              false    should be cleared.

           ordered            true     Provides a hint to the browser about how the card is organized. Set it
                              false    to true if the card consists of a number of separate fields that should
                                       be dealt with in the order they appear in the card. Set it to false if the
                                       card contains optional fields or may be filled in out of order.

           onenterforward   URL        Occurs when the user navigates into a card using a "go" task
           onenterbackward   URL       Occurs when the user navigates into a card using a "prev" task
           ontimer        URL          Occurs when a "timer" expires
           xml:lang       language_code   Sets the language used in the element.
           class          cdata        Sets a class name for the element.
           id             element_ID   A unique ID for the element.

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