P. 21
Business Intelligence
Custom Rollup Specifies the column that defines a custom rollup formula.
Custom Rollup Specifies the column that contains the properties of a custom rollup formula.
Properties Column
Default Member Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that defines the
default measure for the attribute.
Description Contains the description of the attribute.
Discretization Bucket Contains the number of buckets into which to discretize.
Discretization Defines the method to use for discretization.
Estimated Count Specifies the estimated number of members in the attribute. Until you run
the Aggregation Design Wizard, the default value is zero. Either you can
allow the wizard to count the number of records or you can enter an
estimated value. Enter a value manually if you know the number of
members and want to save the time that is required to query the database for
the count. If you are working with a test subset of your production data, you
can use the counts of your production data so that the aggregation design
will be optimized for the production data instead of the test data.
Grouping Behaviour A user defined value that provides a hint to client applications on how to
group attributes.
ID Contains the unique identifier (ID) of the dimension.
Instance Selection Provides a hint to client applications about how a list of items should be
displayed, based on the expected number of items in the list. The available
options are as follows:
• None No hint is provided to the client application. This is the default
• Drop Down The number of items is small enough to display in a drop-
down list.
• List The number of items is too large for a drop-down list, but does not
require filtering.
• Filtered List The number of items is large enough to require users to
filter the items to be displayed.
• Mandatory Filter The number of items is so large that the display must
always be filtered.
Is Aggregatable Specifies whether the values of the attribute members can be aggregated.
The default value is True, which means that the attribute hierarchy contains
an (All) level. If the value for this property is False, the attribute hierarchy
does not contain an (All) level.
Key Columns Contains the column or columns that represent the key for the attribute,
which is the column in the underlying relational table in the data source
view to which the attribute is bound. The value of this column for each
member is displayed to users unless a value is specified for the Name
Column property.
Member Names Determines whether member names in the attribute hierarchy must be
Unique unique.
Members With Data Used by parent attributes to determine whether to display data members for
non-leaf members in the parent attribute. This property value is only used
when the value of the Usage property is set to Parent. This means that a