P. 70

Unit 5: Consumer Behaviour: Cardinal Approach

               How many of each CD would you buy? Suppose the price of a Lester Young CD rises to   Notes
               $10. How many of each CD would you buy? Use this to show how the principle of rational
               choice leads to the law of demand.
          3.   Discuss the law of diminishing marginal utility with the help of an illustrate schedule and
               a corresponding graph.
          4.   Which of the following examples best shows the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and
               (a)   Raina is happier after buying her fifth pair of shoes than she was after only four

               (b)   A reasonably fat Motumal gets sick after eating too many Burgers.

               (c)   Ramnaresh loves cheeseburgers but finds that the third burger did less to increase
                    his happiness than the second burger did.

          5.   Give at least five examples to show how the law of diminishing marginal utility relates to
               everyday life?
          6.   Discuss with example the law of marginal utility.
          7.   Assign a measure of utility to the study you are putting into your various courses. Do your
               study habits follow the principle of rational choice?
          8.   Why do you think that the law of Equi-marginal utility holds under perfectly competitive
          9.   Compare and contrast cardinal and ordinal utility.

          10.   Explain how consumer’s equilibrium is reached using cardinal approach.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   False                             2.  True
          3.   True                              4.  True
          5.   True                              6.  zero

          7.   total utility                     8.  money
          9.   Utils                             10.  Commodity

          5.9 Further Readings

           Books      Dr. Atmanand, Managerial Economics, Excel Books

                      Jeffrey M. Perloff, Microeconomics, Pearson Education
                      Robert S. Pindyck, Microeconomics, Pearson Education
                      Sampat Mukherjee, Microeconomics, Prentice Hall

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