P. 133

Macro Economics

                    Notes          7.2.4 Balanced Budget Multiplier

                                   Given that government already has a balanced budget, i.e. G=T. Suppose government wants to
                                   increase G by imposing the same amount of T. It means G  T.  G raises aggregate spending
                                   (AE) by  G.  T reduces AE  by the amount of  (  T.  MPC )   . Therefore,  the net increase in
                                   AE ( AE) is
                                                               AE     G   ( –  T.  MPC)

                                   The AE changes on account of  G and   T.According to the government spending multiplier  G
                                   leads  to 1/MPS  times change  in income. And, according  to the  tax multiplier    T leads to
                                   (–MPC/MPS) times change in income. Thus both  G and   T together lead to change in income
                                                                 1      MPC
                                                                     (–     )  times.
                                                               MPS      MPS
                                   The balanced budget multiplier thus is:
                                              1      MPC
                                                  (–      )
                                            MPS      MPS

                                              1      MPC
                                                  (–      )
                                            MPS      MPS
                                            1 –  MPC
                                            MPS   ( 1 – MPC  MPS)

                                          = 1
                                   7.2.5 Foreign Trade Multiplier

                                   In an open economy we can write the national income identity as
                                                         Y+M = C+I+X                                       ...(1)
                                                        Total = Three ways in supply which total output can be used
                                                           Y = domestic supply
                                                           M = imports
                                                           C = consumption
                                                            I = investment
                                                           Y = exports
                                   In a closed economy, we know that savings have to equal investments in equilibrium. In an
                                   open economy we have to take into account that there can be a net inflow or outflow of capital.
                                   In an open economy, thus the equilibrium condition is
                                                            S =  I+X–M                                     ...(2)
                                   Or                    S+M = I+X                                         ...(3)
                                   If there is a change in any of the four variables, the change in the left side of (3) must equal the
                                   change in the right side as a condition for reaching a new equilibrium.
                                   Thus,               S + M =   I + X                                     ...(4)

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