P. 7

Ashwani Panesar, Lovely Professional University                   Unit 1: Introduction to Sales Management

                     Unit 1: Introduction to Sales Management                                   Notes

            1.1  Marketing Sales Management

            1.2  Objectives of Sales Management
            1.3  Exchange Process
            1.4  Interdependence of Sales and Distribution

            1.5  Key Decision Areas in Sales Management
            1.6  Sales Management Cycle
            1.7  Responsibilities of a Sales Manager
            1.8  Summary
            1.9  Keywords

            1.10 Review Questions
            1.11 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:

              Define exchange process;
              Discuss about decision areas in sales management;
              State the difference between marketing and sales management;
              Describe the evolution of sales department.


          Before the industrial revolution the marketing task was relatively simple because the economic
          scene was dominated by small scale enterprises. The only problem was to produce goods for
          consumers which were sold out without any difficulty. Selling the goods was no problem. In
          fact, all phases of the business operations, including manufacturing and selling, were generally
          supervised by one individual and more attention was paid to manufacturing problems rather
          than the marketing problems.
          The importance of marketing problems was realised only after the industrial revolution which
          started in England in 1760 and immediately thereafter in United States. The American revolution,
          necessitated the need for finding out untapped markets because the nearby markets were unable
          to absorb the increased quantities of manufactured goods. This gave a lot of importance to
          marketing activities. With the increase in production more land, labour and capital was required
          which gave  rise to corporate form  of organisations. There were bigger organisations which
          required  more delegation  of powers  in manufacturing  and administration. Thus, the  sales
          department was given importance and it became a separate functional department.

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