P. 56

Unit 3: Services and their Characteristics

                        Box  3.1: Increasing  Relevance of  Service Quality  Management         Notes

               1.  Companies need to find ways of creating differential advantage by having better service
                  levels than their competitors.
               2.  Increased  level of  consumerism  and  greater  media attention on  quality  have  meant  that
                  companies have to be more responsive to quality issues.
               3.  There has been a growing sophistication of consumer markets, with the non-price factors of
                  image, product positioning and service delivery processes becoming more important.

          A reputation of good quality is a major advantage because perception of risk for many service
          providers is very high. Good quality bridges the gap between pre-use perceptions and post-use
          experience of the service consumed.

             Notes  Five Stars of Service Quality (The RATER Model)

                Reliability
                Assurance
                Tangibles
                Empathy
                Responsiveness

                                    Figure  3.2: Five  Stars of Quality


                        Assurance                            Responsiveness

                               Tangibles                   Empathy

          The service providers are more likely to be successful if they can be depended upon to deliver
          high quality service with respect to the quality determinants as mentioned above in relation to
          competitors. Quality management approach can be divided into two categories, namely product
          attributed approach and customer oriented approach.

          3.3.1  Product Attributed Approach

          In product-attributed approach, customers try to judge the product’s conformance to standardized
          requirements, which have been set by reference to what company managers think the failure
          point is. In this approach, organizations try to control their products using an internal product
          perspective e.g. a manufacturer of potato chips can grade pieces of potatoes received from the
          supplier according to certain objective criteria. These criteria can be weight, shape, size, color,
          texture etc. From the consumer’s point of view, as an external perspective, assessment of quality

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