P. 324

Unit 14: Capital Market and Financial Institutions

          4.   Explain the trading system in stock exchanges.                                   Notes
          5.   What are the key instruments of capital market? Discuss briefly.
          6.   Write a note on following:
               (a)  Book building

               (b)  Different types of debentures
               (c)  Sweat equity shares
               (d)  Derivatives
          7.   Analyze the importance of capital market in India.

          8.   Differentiate between:
               (a)  Equity share and Preference share
               (b)  Debentures and Derivatives
               (c)  Primary Market and Secondary market

               (d)  Money market and Capital market
          9.   Describe the policy initiatives that have been undertaken in the secondary market during
               last few years.

          10.  Comment: “The Indian capital market acts as an intermediary to mobilize savings and to
               channelize the same for productive use consistent with national priorities.”
          11.  “Mutual funds companies create the market.” Do you agree with this statement?

          12.  Discuss the role of financial institutions.
          13.  Explain the different types of financial institutions in India.
          14.  Describe the key regulatory bodies of financial institutions.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   New Issue Market         2.   Distribution

          3.   Two                      4.   Two
          5.   Book Building            6.   Origination
          7.   Capital                  8.   False
          9.   True                     10.  True
          11.  False                    12.  True

          13.  Central Bank             14.  Four
          15.  EXIM                     16.  Large scale corporate, cooperative
          17.  Banks                    18.  Non banking financial companies (NBFCs)

          19.  Sugar, textile

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